"Legend of the Sun lion" animated by Astrid K. Zierfuß

please click the link to watch the movie in HD   Legend of the Sun lion

background painting for the 2D animated short film" Legend of the Sun lion"
background painting for the 2D animated short film" Legend of the Sun lion"
background painting for the 2D animated shortfilm" Legend of the Sun lion"
background painting for the 2D animated short film" Legend of the Sun lion"

Cover for the audio CD Hugo Rev 4  
Released in Denmark, September 2011.
Drawing by Astrid Krejbjerg
 Digital touch Bert Zierfuß

 Logo Design for the German Musical "Die Wassertropfenweltreise" 2010
 illustration for   GREENPEACE recycling campaign (Germany) in 2010.
Started as a local campaign of the city group Halle (Saale) and expanded to be used by many Greenpeace groups allover Germany.
Awarded with the "Wall-E Award" 2010 for best print product.